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Group photos: Activities conducted to mark founding of CPC

Book on "Three Represents" Theory published

Book on studying "Three Represents" theory attracts readers

Retired cadre composes "Three Represents" song

Shandong University launches seminar on study of "Three Represents"

Farmers carry out "Three Represents" thought

Folk singers sing "Three Represents" song via Internet
---------- MORE ---------
CPPCC charter embraces "Three Represents" (12/03)
"Three Represents" is Marxism for contemporary China: official (24/09)
Trade unions constitution to embrace "Three Represents" (23/09)
Chinese president pushes study of "Three Represents" (03/09)
CPC Party chief emphasizes revolutionary tradition (02/09)
China explains "Three Represents" political theory to confused journalists (26/08)
Senior CPC leader urges promoting social sciences (01/08)
Hu Jintao urges CPC to strengthen ideology building (23/07)
Senior Chinese leader stresses importance of "Three Represents" thought (16/07)
CPC leader urges study, implementation of "Three Represents" (04/07)
Senior Chinese leader calls for effective discipline inspection system (02/07)
People's Daily editorial on study of "Three Represents" (01/07)
Senior Chinese leader stresses "Three Represents" in united front work (01/07)
Hu Jintao urges more effort in implementation of "Three Represents"thought (01/07)
Hu Jintao calls for efforts in "strike-hard" campaign (28/06)
Senior leader calls for new round of study of Three Represents thought (26/06)
Senior leaders emphasize importance of studying Three Represents (25/06)
Government organizational departments urged to study Three Represents theory (24/06)
Government departments urged to study thoughts of Three Represents (23/06)
Party members urged to start new upsurge of studying Three Represents thought (22/06)
Book on "Three Represents" Theory published (10/06)
CPC Central Committee' s Circular on Studying Three Represents (10/06)
CPC to launch new round of study of "Three Represents" theory (28/04)
Hu urges CPC cadres to carry out "Three Represents" and Congress spirit (19/02)
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