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Group photos: Activities conducted to mark founding of CPC

Book on "Three Represents" Theory published

Book on studying "Three Represents" theory attracts readers

Retired cadre composes "Three Represents" song

Shandong University launches seminar on study of "Three Represents"

Farmers carry out "Three Represents" thought

Folk singers sing "Three Represents" song via Internet
---------- MORE ---------
Group photos: Activities conducted to mark founding of CPC (01/07)
Book on "Three Represents" Theory published (18/06)
Book on studying "Three Represents" theory attracts readers (18/06)
Retired cadre composes "Three Represents" song (18/06)
Shandong University launches seminar on study of "Three Represents" (18/06)
Farmers carry out "Three Represents" thought (18/06)
Folk singers sing "Three Represents" song via Internet (18/06)
To include "Three Represents" in CPC constitution reflects common aspiration: delegates (11/11)
PLA to firmly uphold guiding status of Three Represents thought: army delegates (10/11)
Li Lanqing Hails "Three Represents" (08/11)
Jiang calls on CPC to implement "Three Represents" in all-round way (08/11)
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